Cold Hands and feet in the Winter Season

Cold Hands and feet in the Winter Season-The Do’s and Don’ts

Are your feet and hands always cold in this winter season? You are not alone, the winter months bring cold hands and feet to most people, making them feel very sick.

The winter months of late August–early September, bring seasonal changes with an increase in the heart rate levels. This occurs at a slow pace for a few weeks and remains high as the winter month nears an end. Cold hands and feet in the winter season which persist even after constant efforts to heat them, can turn into a dangerous problem if left unattended.

Why are Hands and Feet Cold in Winters?

Cold hands and feet in winter is a common phenomenon. When we are exposed to the chilly winter, our blood vessels in the extremities constrict. In the cold winter season, our body makes sure of healthy blood circulation to our vital organs to keep them warm. In this process, it changes the amount of blood circulated in our hands and feet making them go cold.

 Low blood circulation in legs and hands is the reason behind cold hands and feet in winters which occurs due to our body’s self-defence mechanism regulating its core temperature,

Cold Hands and Feet Causes

  • Temperature Changes

Cold hands and feet causes can range from temperature changes, lifestyle choices and health fluctuations. Another reason is stress, anxiety and tension you must have noticed sweaty cold hands and feet when you are highly stressed and anxious.

  • Blood circulation

Another common cause of cold feet. People with poor blood circulation often struggle when warm blood does not reach to their extremities, causing them to go cold.

  • Smoking

Makes it tough for seamless blood circulation. Smokers often complain about cold hands and feet as smoking makes it difficult for the blood to reach the hands and feet.

  • High Cholesterol levels

Higher cholesterol levels may lead to the formation of plaques inside the arteries leading to poor blood circulation in legs and hands.

  • Anaemia

Anaemia may also cause cold hands and feet. If you have cold hands and feet make sure to get your blood count check. The reasons behind Anaemia include vitamin B12, or folate, deficiency in iron levels or chronic kidney disease.

  • Diabetes

People who suffer from diabetes are at an increased risk of poor blood circulation. Diabetes causes high blood sugar levels which narrows the arteries resulting in low blood supply to the tissues.

  • Nerve Disorders

Nerve disorders are also the reason behind the cold hands and feet. This disorder may be caused by injury or trauma. Nerve disorder symptoms may lead to cold feet and hands giving tough time to those who are waiting for a diagnosis.

  • Hypothyroidism

Low level of thyroid hormones may also cause cold hands and feet. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that occurs when the thyroid gland is underactive and produces low levels of thyroid hormone. The low level of thyroid hormone hurts metabolism which affects the body temperature and blood circulation. Any impact on the thyroid function causes hypothyroidism leading to cold feet.

Treatment for poor circulation in Hands and Feet

  • Weight and BMI levels

Maintaining a healthy weight is the key to keep all the illness at bay. The same applies to treat poor blood circulation of the hands and feet.

  • Cardiovascular Exercise

Here is another reason to wear those gym wear. Regular cardiovascular exercises, like brisk walking and jogging, supports the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation.

  • Yoga

Yoga comes with many benefits of its own. Practising regular yoga is a good exercise for the blood vessels as they pump up for good blood circulation.

  • Optimal Hydration

Our body runs on fluid- blood. Maintaining optimal hydration levels by drinking water in these winters may lead to the warming of one’s cold hands and feet. Try to soothe your throat with lukewarm water to maintain the body temperature

  • Quitting Smoking and Junk Food

Quit the smoke as it causes the blood vessels to constrict, and decreases the blood flow to the hands and feet. Avoid junk food it is averse to the health of your core blood circulation and vitals.

  • Balancing the Iron levels

Iron is important to the circulatory system. Iron is the main supplement required to make haemoglobin, of the red blood cells which carry oxygen to the extremities. Diet on foods rich in iron, like red meat, lentils, beans and legumes to balance the oxygen levels.

Cold Hands and Feet Remedies – The Do’s

  • Wear warm clothes to protect yourself from the chilly winds and cold. Wear warm, well-insulated socks even while you are indoors as they give warmth to the cold feet.
  • Do you know, that water conducts heat 25 times faster than air? Sip lukewarm water. Keep a hot water bottle at arm’s length.
  •  In this winter try placing your hands and feet in lukewarm water for a good massage and always shower in lukewarm water. Avoid the extremely hot water as it may cause your skin to dry out.
  • Though the warm blanket and sleep may look inviting, be active. Practice any form of exercise.  Practice small movements like making circles with your feet and hands to increase the blood flow.
  • Move around frequently. Warm-up, do a brisk walk after meals. Ditch that office chair for a sunny walk.

Cold Hands and Feet Remedies – The Don’ts

  • Avoid direct contact with extreme cold environments. Wear protective warm clothing when you are in direct contact with the freezer sections in stores.
  • Don’t sit/ stay at one place for a prolonged time duration. Sitting at one place for long can reduce circulation to your extremities.
  • Don’t ditch the spices; spicy chips, spicy sauce, spicy soup, spiced nuts, spicy popcorn, spicy peanuts, spicy potato chips, spicy peanut butter are known to heat the body’s core and promote improved blood circulation.

Specialist Medical Consultation

Occasional cold hands and feet is normal, but should not be treated at a lighter vein. If you experience regular and frequent cold hands and feet, it is the time to consult a specialist. Do not ignore these symptoms as minor health issues they may be the sign of an underlying disease.

Along with cold hands and feet if you suffer from additional symptoms, like a colour change of your feet nails or fingernails, difficulty in breathing, persistent hand or leg pain, wait for no further and seek a specialist.

Book a Specialist with Gigadocs

Gigadocs gives you complete digital healthcare for your family. With the Gigadocs app, you can book a Dermatologist and General Physician for you and your dear ones for cold hands and feet and other ailments.

Gigadocs helps you to track your vitals and health records and lets you share them with your doctor in a live environment. To know more how Gigadocs can help you with a complete healthcare solution, reach out to us at

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